Bill of Quantities Sample
5 Precast concrete 7067 Bill No. DAF Specifications Developer shall submit initial specifications for the DAF including System Protection Facilities to Connecting Transmission Owner and NYISO at least one hundred eighty 180 Calendar Days prior to the Initial Synchronization Date. A Bill Of Quantities Boq Stands For A Document To Be Utilized For Tendering Purpose In The Construction Industr Bills Construction Company Design Build Firms THE BILL OF QUANTITIES - BIIL NO -01 ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK UNIT QTY RATE AMOUNT 10 PRELIMINARIES Notes. . 371 The Bill of Quantities shall contain items for the construction installation testing and commissioning work to be done by the Contractor. Ref Description Qty Unit Rate Amount SUBSTRUCTURES Contd MASONRY F10 BRICKBLOCK WALLING FACING BRICKWORK SPEC 110B Walls A 1025 mm thick 34 m2. Bill of Quantities document that lists the items of work and the quantities and rates associated with each item to allo...